SavBAT 2 Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers frequently asked questions about Savanna Burning Abatement Tool (SavBAT 2.1). Firstly you should check that this is the version of SavBAT you need...

Which SavBAT should I be using?

To explore any details on using SavBAT 2 you should also read the SavBAT 2.1 User Manual

General questions
What does SavBAT 2.1 do?

Uploading maps and boundaries
What can I upload to SavBAT 2.1?

How do I use the "Confirm Map" display?

How do I check the uploaded map?

Producing an offsets report
What do I enter for the Project ID and Name?

What do I enter for the Reporting Year?

What baseline period should I use?

What do I enter for the Uncertainty buffer?

What do I enter for the Global Warming Potentials?

Producing a hypothetical abatement forecast
What is a hypothetical abatement forecast?

How do I create a hypothetical abatement forecast?

How do I use the Results grid display?

How do I use the other Results displays?

How do I save or print the grid display?

Sorting issues
What if I make a mistake in entering or uploading information?

Why won't SavBAT 2.1 upload my map or boundary?

Why won't SavBAT 2.1 complete my report?

Why can't I download a csv file?