SavBAT 2 FAQS - Producing an Offsets Report

What baseline period should I use?

If your project started under the 2015 High-Low Rainfall Savanna Burning Methodology then:

    - For areas in the high rainfall zone, you must use a 10 year baseline that ends in the year before the project commenced. If the area was added after the project commenced it must end in the year before the year the area was added.

    - For areas in the low rainfall zone, you must use a 15 year baseline that ends in the year before the project commenced. If the area was added after the project commenced it must end in the year before the year the area was added.

If your project started under the 2013 High Rainfall Savanna Burning Methodology and is transitioning into the 2015 methodology then you must use your existing 10 year baseline and end date.

Project Areas that straddle the high and low rainfall methodology zones

In the case where a single project area lies partly in the high rainfall methodology zone and partly in the low rainfall methodology zone, SavBAT 2.1 will work this out once the vegetation fuels map or boundary is loaded. It will then offer the menu of 15 year baselines, so you must choose the 15 year low rainfall methodology zone baseline for that part of the project when generating the Offsets Report.

SavBAT 2.1 will automatically allocate the most recent 10 years of that baseline to the high rainfall methodology zone part of the project area - and then complete the offsets report for the whole project.

For more information on the Project baseline see pages 11 and 13 of the the SavBAT 2.1 User Manual.