SavBAT 2 Frequently Asked Questions

What SavBAT 2.1 does

SavBAT 2.1 allows you to calculate the emissions abated from an area using the 2015 High-Low Rainfall Methodology. It does this by:

- letting you upload a vegetation map or a simple boundary for your project area

- letting you specify details such as the project name

- letting you specify details such as the year you want an emissions abatement estimate for, the baseline used, the start date for the Late Dry Season and the Global Warming Potentials of the greenhouse gases emitted

- drawing on pre-loaded NAFI fire scar data for the relevant year and baseline to then calculate the emissions abated.

SavBAT 2.1 allows you to calculate the emissions abated in two ways:

1. To produce an official offsets report for a Project once you have uploaded a validated vegetation map of your area - in other words, a map of the vegetation that has been checked with survey data to make sure it is accurate.

2. To produce a hypothetical abatement forecast for an area under different fire management patterns once you have uploaded either a validated or un-validated vegetation fuel types map or a boundary of your area.

Make sure you enter the correct information

SavBAT 2.1 relies on the user submitting the correct information: a correctly validated vegetation fuel types map (for an Offsets Report), the correct start dates for the Late Dry Season, the correct baseline for your reporting year and the correct Global Warming Potentials. If you do not entre each of these inputs correctly, then in the case of an offsets report, these errors will be picked up by the auditor or the Clean Energy Regulator and you will have to start the process again, or in the case of an abatement forecast, it could be misleading.

For more information see pages 1-8 of the the SavBAT 2.1 User Manual