SavBAT Frequently Asked Questions

Which verion of SavBAT should I be using?

SavBAT 1 was launched in 2013 and allows to users to upload a validated vegetation map for their project and to produce an offsets reports showing the emissions abated.

SavBAT 1 produces this report using the equations in the 2013 High Rainfall Methodology.

SavBAT 2 was launched in 2015 and also allows users to upload a vegetation map and produce an offsets report. It has extra features such as a map display for viewing the vegetation maps of the project, and a function that allows users to forecast the emissions abated in a hypothetical future year of a potential project area under different fire patterns.

SavBAT 2 produces the offset report and the emissions estimates using the 2015 High-Low Rainfall Methodology.

These methodologies will produce slightly different emissions estimates as the 2015 Methodology has refined the way it calculates emissions from late dry season fuels. For example, high rainfall woodland vegetation types in the 2015 Methodology will, on average, produce more emissions under late dry season fires than they would in the 2013 Methodology.

So if your project is registered under the 2013 High Rainfall Savanna Burning Methodology, you should use SavBAT 1 for your offsets report, and if you are registered under the 2015 High-Low Rainfall Methodology you should use SavBAT 2 for your offsets report or estimations.

If you are registered with the 2013 methodology and want to use the estimation tool on SavBAT 2, you need to be aware that it will produce different emissions estimates.